Red, red, the apple is red.
Red, red, the apple is red.
Red, red, the apple is red.
The apple is red, red, red!
Yellow, yellow, the box is yellow. 3x
The box is yellow, yellow, yellow!
Blue, blue, the pen is blue. 3x
The pen is blue, blue, blue!
Green, green, the bag is green. 3x
The bag is green, green, green!
Orange, orange, the orange is orange. 3x
The orange is orange, orange, orange!
White, white, the egg is white. 3x
The egg is white, white, white!
Black, black, the dog is black. 3x
The dog is black, black, black!
apple - jablko
box - krabice
pen - pero
bag - taška
orange - pomeranč
egg - vejce
dog - pes